Sunday, August 7, 2022

Why Is the Job Necessary? Spirit Can't Do it?

 There isn't a person that has a job literally. Why the f*** are they bringing up odd s*** to mingle when they don't even finish the start of half of it?

The job is not necessary to the one who isn't participating. Everybody is necessary, not the job unless the one person who sees, everything.

That would be somebody like me. I only see the one. The job is simple. There is no requirement or figuring. There is no Scape either.

She's the only one that would go in and require it for all to bring it to an end but if the end is only the thing that settled, there's nothing to go in and if he catches you it's forever.

I don't care about people. I don't care if he don't either then in your past life talking. I don't give a rat f*** about any of it. My whole s*** goes the f*** s***. Nobody asks anything.

If I have to catch a bad person in my thoughts, then the job is just right. Why isn't that the job? The bad person gets caught type of job? It's just a plain a** job. And you have credit from above about it. Or below at a section certain members talk.

Give me the keys until I don't know why I say beat my till I die. There is one person that really wants me to say it and one that holds and one that says it fully. It only is a till death situation and nothing to do with food substance personhood.

So when I read a being from the ground I have to play it normal. I don't see a person wanting me to do something and I don't see anybody needing. But I do recognize who I am and what it is.

Why would you after the last minute? For anyone member to do something that doesn't like people a lot? Did anyone member is the main light ones. The last minute? The job doesn't partake you it doesn't have the ability to distinguish why they have so much or their person.

So get a job for right now. And have someone say you don't have all the items. Have someone say you don't have an education that we seen. And have someone say you're not like me totally or independently. Who made the f****** error?

That's what I thought.


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