Friday, August 5, 2022

Meeting You on The Street - a Client

 I have every option of meeting you on the street just like everybody else. I may not have a vehicle or a program that caters but I do have safe Zones.

Okay, I just met up with mm. And he had much to say to me. Remember this for future reference in this dialogue.

I saw Cato and he had much to remember towards what I know. But I just met up with mm. There was nothing to know. But I need that perfect set that's bought private.

Then dog G brings up the same set and says I don't only know you, but I would love to place my representative guy Hood inside your wound. A lot. I really like your type.

I don't know Cato until I recognize what dog G just said to me. It's the same private set and it means a lot to anyone. But especially the one. Me. Or the type.

Now mm isn't in a programmed CultQ. But he is referenced as the guy. Meaning, his talk is normal. Not the other type like. The guy part only. So is that what a normal straight Vegas Jersey likes with me?

Where he doesn't talk at all? We could be two guys literally.

Why is MM hard on me like the others without speaking?


These guys are not Negroes or spirits. They are heads and canes and they don't expose any kind of nappy to the one. They are the main guy. But they do not expose nuts. So it's like the straight High rear end guy. Or the tight prick.

So when he was talking to me, and I'm High Spirit or high power; I was getting that we vibe but not to get too near each other for seconds as we're just being normal a bit. Until two other men from other Galaxy's neared me to speak close on the same subject matter like a lucid view bank. Then when I arrive back to the 1st, which is a lot like my type, he doesn't know me well.

So if he plays with dolls, maybe. If I did not know for sure if he's actually white in front of me where the sun side to the left, yes. He could probably go for both if I didn't know so much about him.

So if he does play with dolls, it's a native irrelevancy on exposure of his own stuff. Like body crap. But if he does expose them it is the dolls and there's nothing that I can do about it until he goes the other way.

I did get into a situation where the guy passed away and he played with something when he walked to another room literally without me sensing it. Maybe it's him in another life. But he's here. Yes.


This could be anyone. Even a woman. Until they walk in front of you, you would recognize it as a pleasant person. So if anyone ever Witnesses a woman or someone who really wants to recognize the one or where light resides, then it is just the person that's like you.

Nothing to be frightened of until you have to resurrect items for a few or seconds. Because nobody wants anyone taking where they were confused if you were the one or if they were; nobody is referenced as the light unless they talk the Mansion to you the most. Me.



1 comment:

  1. Ran into Q dog low . Said he wants to view b somebody is sitting at the block party instead. hmm .
