Friday, August 26, 2022

High Life 8/26 - Reservation

The high life is always the right one. The reservation is always the one that we do.

If we already get involved with something we really don't know what it is until it happens. If I don't like this one, I don't really know yet.

How much do I do? Is it until the rim doesn't recognize a person is there? How long do I do it? The high life is only me and any surrounding that knows. I am the only one. And I can't see outside of the glass but I can see the wall is right there. But when you start talking, I understand there's an available person.

How many Times do I have to know something before I just show it myself? Almost every time. But if I ended up with another auntie and another form of Silence, yes. I don't hear anything. I do recognize when it came through but I don't see why. There are people that like things and there are people who like to do outside the glass type of stuff. And I'm also that one. The wall situation is because I know it harms.

Nobody is recognizing an ID or a silent figure. Something that's there to remind me of the High Life only that it doesn't do it. But I do know that we all are here for a reason. Please actually donate. There's something that just happened and I would like to see. Thanks. KC.

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