Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Light and the Dark

The Light and the Dark
Here is the rest of the Lesson's for your review. Includes free audiobook and posts:
Free Audiobook Lessons and The Light Series
A few metaphysician notes for the day. Speaking about the entity more and some patterns of dark that I am able to display. Also timing
on the length of beast and how much they are entrained to do and follow out if if they are on a serum forever. There is also a note about the galactic motor glider and how i can become sufficient. The order of light rhythm for credit card/gift card set and also the galactic motor glider all is the same order of operation and the beast expose/physical interaction is shown there with the glider right before the demolition. Thanks!

  • 1900s ERA THE BEGINNING [family indian nation.israel oil life/not living/a jew]

  • 1800s ERA THE START [meme category;me head indian white guy oldest;youth serum israel oil for life;the husband fella]

  • 1850 ERA THE REVELATION [meme category; me head/1800s; severed THE LIGHT ONE 1900s head/"wanna three-some"]

  • 1855 ERA THE WOMEN/ROBERT.dylan [meme category; me body & indian tone heads;"who that?"/THE LIGHT ONE 1900s husband fella in question]

  • 1860 GENERATION LIGHT FACTORY [meme light category; me one body/light; severed THE LIGHT ONE 1900s head and body scent toward the husband fella]

  • 1875 GENERATION OIL MILL [meme category; me head/1800s; the husband fella cheats on her over and over]

  • 1890 NATION Z [NOW]

Metaphysician Notes 7-24

There isn't a time when people are calling themselves the guy before they reached the purse era in picking up its own change before you meet the rep. How many times have we fallen in a pit of glory?
Dark - Shadow Lands intro

Donations are here


  1. Day 1 fasting; Looking for [nothing]on these:
    1.) Meme category: ME/LIGHT wear orb ice floater
    * ME/LIGHT BODY image.mirro
    2.) ME/ASTRAL insignia on a reply toward;
    3.) Plaz donation; eating/savings

    1. Feast/Rest: Burger King meal plus snacks $8; Snacks $5; $1 Lotto [ME/LIGHT BODY wear];;$14 savings;;work:$40 = $55/week savings before next;;

    2. Also; for weight gain and refigurine issues; ME/LIGHT BODY viewers on the 1000s;;also on Light Abot for NOW access on an instant interpole.
      The 2.) ME/ASTRAL insignia on a reply toward; is on the 100s;;also on Light Abot for NOW access on an instant interpole.

    3. Blonde / ZICO ;;

      Interaction w/ cash;
      talk: 1.) Who are you?; 2.) Who are we...this...?
      3.) Who would you like to be;?

      Abot on the 1000000s;;
      the u meme/light one is a n^g^ and will work out all the ji in our interaction. the u meme/light body is a n^g^ the girl; does that too.
      Invitation from him only; congregate on a time spectrum like a party or something where he does things in front of you. A room. And a place to speak. Nothing.
      Her offer is wanted at the time first but it is the only pleasant thing I can do. She states we can do some sh$% and get involved with something.

      Abot on the 1000000;;


    4. All Abot's are on NOW for instant access on the next interpole.

  2. Timeline Notes:
    Black/eagle ; turns to sin/crime/your shit; when it gets bored/and easily bored.
    No white/native tongu in the community
    May not remember
    [Able : to play out the order of your family literally; goes out of it's mind on purpose but it is real];;
    Half die existence; the others are focused the most;;
    [The heaven/contra hell order is theirs; they start to look like mut.ants..;with no clothes at time. On the rich only, they are captured but ready to reside. It is not theirs and they want it to end. They are on the money but lowered to the mut.ants existence {literally to embarrass him} but it works. That means they are excited state for a linger time period in an old reference or very very torted/disfumed; this is at the end. He grabs them all and knows each name. and know they go to work; ON KNOW/them.knowledge NEVER is it know. They fight to get out of it until the Light shines on them again; but often;;era's of res;;
