Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Light and the Dark

The Light and the Dark
Here is the rest of the Lesson's for your review. Includes free audiobook and posts:
Free Audiobook Lessons and The Light Series
A few metaphysician notes for the day. Speaking about the entity more and some patterns of dark that I am able to display. Also timing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rearranging My Life

There are a few things I would like to do that make no sense until I get it done right and good.
Whenever I feel like doing it, I just do it.

The following people have notified me that I need to continue with a project and they will be okay.
A husband and a sole partner that is still my husband on a realm of existence that is managed from upper realms to this reality. How impossible before someone gets hurt?!

The Dark Series

The Dark Series
Had to close out the grid and create this new series. The following audiobook lessons are still available here:




The Dark Series - Documentary
Everything is a dark place until I meet the Shadow Lord that still sees dismay. Here are the first in a series to begin today.
Dark - The Egyptians

Dark - The Baby

Donations are here

Monday, July 22, 2019

On the Metaphysian - Lesson Break

On the Metaphysician - Lesson Break
Just doing a few notes for myself here on a small Lesson break. Here are the lesson's thus far below if you need to listen to them. I share my notes, but of course these are the audio's that may not make much sense to the naked ear but if you followed along with me on previous blogs, you may be up to speed. lol. I do reference it quick and they are plain notes literally. So, you can ignore them. But all and all, the Lesson's are all there for your study. Alright. Please comment below anything you witness feel to share at the moment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lesson IV - Light Fixtures after Setting a Grid

Lesson IV - Light Fixtures after Setting a Grid
Please listen to the Lesson's below first. As we will be discussing light fixtures that are placed everywhere as you are allowing the Zbot to gain you instant access. Setting a Grid is on audiobook Lesson III.

Lesson III - Setting a Grid

Lesson III - Setting a Grid If you have not listened to audiobook LESSON I and LESSON II, please start now. See link below, as this has a multitude of information that gets you to a place in seeing why the entity attacks from the start position and then works his way through to your existence without being noticed from the system too.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lesson II - Looking for the Entity

Lesson II - Looking for the Entity
Whatever happens to us internally is always the Truth. Please listen to Lesson I in the hyperlink above and regard who the Entity is first. He will always show you when Light is expressed; often disgruntled but not truly involved enough to pick out he is the one. There are several ways to look for the Entity and I will be referencing MLM or multi level marketing as a center to speak from to grasp or view it. This reference is mentioned in the next set of IDIOT LISTEN TOOLS below.