Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rearranging My Life

There are a few things I would like to do that make no sense until I get it done right and good.
Whenever I feel like doing it, I just do it.

The following people have notified me that I need to continue with a project and they will be okay.
A husband and a sole partner that is still my husband on a realm of existence that is managed from upper realms to this reality. How impossible before someone gets hurt?!

I would love to do everything in the world with people but they are needing to make sure of something first. Am I certain that I want to do it or do I just want to do it looking at other people? Never do I need to do something first.

How many people want to do everything but never start and then when they start, they know that it is the wrong thing. Then when people work on everything, they want them to know the exist is only at the door. I have a husband and a sole partner / the same guy; that is witnessing me from afar and is going out with a wife partner out there / not me ; and wants to do things with me the whole time.

Every time I recognize me from one angle of exist; it starts to frighten me that it isn't that anymore. I am needing to do something to rearrange my life but never the exist points or exits. Is this possible right now?

←ઠ The symbol for a heritage issue that never spoke until now. I poke you toward the start point as I face forward. Impossible to hold this position.

↙🍴∭ЖNThese symbols all face down and exempt me from eating pork but tell a life story when they did it the whole time. And may do that sh$# again gesture is the downward arrow. Really really bad.

⏪火℃☺️⇙と尐 These symbols mean to please go back to what you said you are doing; there is nothing here but a white smiling face and fake cold feeling to get away. No body is sailing.

⧭↩⏪⤣⬲↨♎🔮Ω⊵≌ This is when family tells you that the f$% up is you from the start what you chose to do in life, we are the ones that exist on our backs for a long time; please get some help. We are the crystal ball and society has shown us we are the ones. We are forward movement. Our heritage is the aunt/Libra; a well balanced politician wife.

↰♣️👥🐟❎⛿📨✉️🈷️💳 These actually say the same thing. A fish and white smiling face and a gifted arrangement is now their arrangement according to the fish and the black silhouette. You did not make it according to any law we already do. The fish is the libra and is the participant they chose to align them in a grid that is not existent but they start to realize it when the money is not present first. But all work.

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